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WAHL Professional Peanut Trimmer

The Wahl Peanut is a top selling professional trimmer in the USA. This lightweight unit comes with a detachable blade for easy cleaning and maintenance. The Wahl Peanut is a compact, rotary motor powered tool that is versatile and can be used as both a clipper and a trimmer. It also is a great beard trimmer! Use the 4 provided attachment combs to keep your clients’ beard at their desired length. The Wahl Peanut is designed in a Peanut-like body style for better grip and comfort. Feel the power in the palm of your hand with the Wahl Peanut!

Cord Length: 2.4m
Cutting Width: 26mm
Cutting Length: .5mm
Weight: 100g
Blade Set: 2068-100


  • Trimmer
  • Blade Guard
  • Oil
  • Cleaning Brush
  • 4 Attachment Combs (#1 - 3mm / #2 - 6mm / #3 - 10mm / #4 - 13mm)

12 Month Warranty

Made in USA

Model # 8655-112

*Black Model Example Only, Not Yet Available

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