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WAHL Deluxe Groom Pro 21pc Kit - Clipper, Detail Trimmer & Nose Hair Trimmer

Deluxe Groom Pro - The Complete Home Haircutting Kit & Touch Up Kit!

Corded clipper, battery trimmer and detail trimmer

The complete haircutting and touch up 21pc kit.

  • Multi-Cut Clipper - Guide combs makes it easy to get the perfect cut
  • Detail Trimmer - Clean up necklines, touch-up sideburns and trim around the ears.
  • Personal Trimmer - Battery powered trimmer with rotary head for trimming nose and ear hairs.
  • 2 Year Warranty

Kit includes: Clipper, battery trimmer, detail trimmer, 10 clipper guide combs, cleaning brush, oil, cutting comb, scissors.

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