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Powertools CBC - Colour Balance Corrector 30ml

CBC, Color Balance Corrector - Powertools by Dennis Bernard

This is a wee bottle of blue magic!

Color Balance Corrector, CBC, eliminates brassy, red or gold tones from yellow, white and gray hair. It tones down warm, red & gold tones on dark hair for a true ash effect. CBC can be used in shampoo, bleach or color mixture.

Ideal for use both in salon and customize your client’s at-home shampoo keeping warm & brass tones out between salon visits - this is a great add-on service for salons!

Use a few drops mixed in with tint, toners and bleach - plus you can also add a few drops to shampoo for use at the basin or personalise shampoo for clients by mixing in a few drops with their salon shampoo.

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