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12 Days of Framar Pop-Up Foil Advent Calender

12 Days Of Framar Pop Up Foil Advent Calendar

Perfect for treating yourself or the stylist in your life to the holiday foils of their dreams! Unwrap a dazzling holiday foil each day with the stylist gift that keeps on giving.

This never-been-done-before advent calendar contains twelve 127 x 280mm (5x11) Pop Up foils with each box of festive pop-up foils containing 100 sheet. Deck the halls with fabulous foils to carry you through this season's holiday appointments and share the joy at your station!


  • 12 Limited Edition Foils: Specially curated for the holiday season, this never-been-done-before advent calendar comes with 12 limited edition holiday foils, perfect for adding that seasonal sparkle to your clients' looks.
  • Great Value: Includes 12 pop up foil boxes with 100 sheets of patterned, pre-cut and pre-folded foils in each that are ready when you are. No prep needed!
  • Embossed Texture: prevents foils from slipping so that you can breeze through any service.
  • How to Enjoy: Will you unwrap a new festive foil each day or will you rip them all open on sight like a feral festive animal? Choose your own adventure when enjoying this advent calendar. You're on Framar's 'Nice' list either way. 
  • Perfect for Stylists: Whether you’re treating yourself or gifting it to a fellow stylist, this advent calendar is the ultimate way to celebrate the season in style.

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