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Ardell Eyeshadow Palette Sensual Eyes - Love Lust

Love Lust

0.20 oz / 5.8 g

Color. Contour. Turn Up The Contrast.
Pigment-saturated powders provide intense color payoff. A balanced tonal range of shimmer and matte finishes play light against shadow to bring depth and dimension to eyes. True-to-pan: the shade you see in the palette is the shade you see on the eye. These shades are flattering under every light, every day, every night.

Why We're Obsessed With It
“Color Quads for Artistry Uncensored”


Sweep color across eyelids and blend. Apply base color to eyelid, contour up to crease, and highlight below brows.

Get a dimensional look with the mix of shimmers and mattes. Use light color all over lids for daytime look, and dark shades on crease for a layered look.

• Coordinated color combinations
• Shade, contour, highlight
• Intense color payoff
• True-to-pan tones

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