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Alpecin Double Effect Caffeine Shampoo 200ml

Alpecin is a line of premium men’s hair care products. Developed by top German scientist Dr. Adolf Klenk, Alpecin products were intended for men who wish to improve the appearance of fine, thin hair.  

Double Effect Caffeine Shampoo
Anti-dandruff caffeine shampoo that promotes healthy hair growth and helps hair feel stronger.

In the first step, the Alpecin Double Effect Caffeine Shampoo loosens scaly, horny cells and thoroughly removes dandruff from the scalp. This clears the way for the caffeine complex which remains on the scalp for up to 24 hours and promotes thicker, stronger hair.

• 1st Effect: Loose dandruff is removed and the scalp feels fresher and cleaner.
• 2nd Effect: Caffeine travels along the hair making it appear thicker and stronger.

Alpecin contains caffeine to strengthens the hair and give it more volume with daily washing. Simply massage into the scalp and leave on for 2 minutes, then rinse. Those who do not wash their hair everyday can use Alpecin Caffeine Liquid, a leave-in formula that can be used with other styling products.


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