Wella Colour Charm Permanent Toner - #T14 Pale Ash Blonde
Wella Colour Charm Permanent Liquid Hair Toner 42ml - T14 Pale Ash Blonde
Wella Toners are known for their amazing toning results on blonde hair.
Wella T14 is the Pale Ash Blonde within the range, a beautiful soft pure blonde toner. T14 is ideal for toning out yellow tones, as it isn't a light as the T18 it works on stronger yellow tones to get a more natural blonde shade.
Wella Colour Charm Toners are ideal to create pure double process blonde hair. These toners remove remaining brassiness for clean blonde results.
Pre lightening is required to achieve the best results with Wella Toners, the lighter your hair is bleached the better the result will be.
Wella Colour Charm Toners need to be mixed with Wella Colour Charm 20 vol developer to activate the product - see our other listings for the developer.